Trust: The Foundation of Leadership & Personal Growth
Trust is the bedrock of every relationship, whether personal or professional. In our latest episode, we explored how to build, maintain, and rebuild trust when it’s broken. Here are the top 4 takeaways:
Self-Trust is Key: Trusting yourself is foundational. As Jon shared, “self-trust comes with experience,” knowing your strengths and weaknesses. This trust boosts your confidence, helping you challenge yourself and trust others.
Consistency Builds Trust: Follow through on commitments and keep your word. If overcommitting, consider saying “no” to avoid breaking trust. Consistency lays the foundation for trust to grow.
Navigating Betrayal: Even small actions can lead to betrayal, which cuts deep. Open communication and time are essential to rebuilding trust after betrayal.
Delegation as a Trust Exercise: Delegation is built on trust. Empowering others without micromanaging fosters a thriving, trusting environment.