Men Talking Mindfulness Meditation Circle

Next Opportunity

Sundays, 11am ET:

October 6th to December 8th

All adults are welcome!

25% off for Public Servants & Students

“You will never have a greater or lesser dominion than that over yourself...the height of a man’s success is gauged by his self-mastery; the depth of his failure by his self-abandonment. And this law is the expression of eternal justice. He who cannot establish dominion over himself will have no dominion over others.”

~ Leonardo da Vinci

Testimonial: Listen how this course changed this retired Navy SEAL!

Your Takeaways after
these 9 full weeks:

  • Your practice of daily meditation

  • The necessary skills to meditate

  • An understanding of the power of your breath

  • A few meditation techniques for a calmer body and a less agitated mind

  • A greater sense of presence

  • Tools to get back to your calm-cool-connected self

  • The ripple effect of meditation

  • Greater self-confidence

  • The enhanced ability to bounce back when life is full of challenges

  • A clearer mind & a kinder sellf

Take a Listen and learn all about why it is time to start meditating.


  • This is a 9-week Program

  • Begins October 6th, every Sunday at 11am ET, Last class December 8th

  • Live virtual Zoom Room

  • Each live session is just 50min with time for Q&A

  • All Classes are Recorded & immediately available.

  • Recorded Guided Meditations provided through the course

  • Open to all adults - this is not just for men.

  • NOTES: Will Schneider will be the exclusive teacher for this October Course.

The practice of meditation is the simplest method to bring forth the life changes you are looking for. You just need to start and keep practicing.
— Will Schneider, MTM

9 Week Self Investment
3 Teachings
3 Weeks each lesson

Lesson #1: Connecting & Calming
Getting to know the power of your breath and experiencing inner peace

Lesson #2: Impermanence & Somatic Experience - Knowing your body, understanding sensation, and the change in everything

Lesson #3: Developing Self-Compassion & Loving Kindness

What to Expect Each Week…

  • 25% Learning & Theory
    50% Experiential/Practice
    25% Group Discussion and Q&A

  • Weekly Homework
    (about 15-20min/day)

  • Built-in Team Accountability
    for greater consistency & connection.

  • “The paradox seems to be, as Socrates demonstrated long ago, that the truly free individual is free only to the extent of his own self-mastery. While those who will not govern themselves are condemned to find masters to govern over them.”

    Steven Pressfield, The War of Art: Winning the Inner Creative Battle

Your Teacher

  • Will Schneider

Will Schneider

Stanford University
Ambassador of Compassion,
Meditation, Yoga, and Mindfulness Teacher. Brother, Son, Uncle, NYC-based. Student for over 20 years.
coHost the Men Talking Mindfulness Podcast.

Mediation influences & self practice: Vipassana, TM, Self Compassion, Metta

Learn more about Will from his LinkedIn or IG


  • Meditation is a practice where you focus your mind on a specific thing, like your breath, a word, or a feeling, to help you relax, calm down and sharpen your mental acuity.

    It's like taking a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life to quiet your mind and recharge your energy. By doing this, you can reduce stress, improve your mood, and even boost your concentration and self-awareness.

    Think of it like a mental "time-out" to help you feel more centered and grounded.

  • NO! Any adult who takes this course will benefit from practicing meditation and the breathing techniques too.

    Sorry, no one under 18yo bc of potential liability issues.

  • No experience necessary!
    We pride ourselves on helping people who are new or have been dabbling. All you need to do is show up and put in the daily work.

    Long time Practitioners: this course will also benefit you by helping you return to the foundations of meditation.

  • Yes, this is a very common misconception about what meditation is.

    Newsflash!!! You will never stop thinking. This is not the point of meditation.

    Practicing meditation will help you to objectify and understand your thinking as well as the feelings that are associated with them. From this objectified place, you can 'detach' yourself from your thinking and make a different choice that may lead you down a new path instead of a habitual and familiar one.

  • Here are some the top benefits of meditation:

    • Reduced Stress & Anxiety

    • Improved Sleep Quality

    • Enhanced Emotional Well-being

    • Increased Focus and Productivity

    • Greater Self-Awareness

    • Less emotional reactivity

    • Improve you relationships

  • No Problem!
    ALL sessions will be recorded so if you miss one you can go back and watch.

    WE RECOMMEND not missing more than 3 sessions.

    The dates for this course are as follows:

    10.6 - Week#1: Getting to Calm and understanding you breath & Orientation
    10.13 - Week#2: Getting to Calm pt2
    10.20 - Week#3:  Impermanence; Noticing the ever-changing world around you
    10.27 - WEEK #4 - Increasing Mental & Physical Self Awareness 
    11.3 - WEEK #5-  Getting to know Your body & sensation
    11.10 - WEEK #6: Getting to know Your body & sensation - pt2
    11.17 - WEEK #7: METTA/Loving Kindness
    11.25 - Week #8: Self Compassion 
    12.1 - Week #9: Self-Compassion (pt2)
    12.8- Session #10: Final class: what we learned and what’s next

How to get the most out of this program?

  • Commit to these nice full weeks and keep investing your time and energy.

  • Show up each week
    (it’s ok if you miss a couple - these classes will be recorded)

  • Complete the homework

  • Ask your questions and the “stupid” ones too. It all has a place.

What do you need to do to be a part of this program?

  • Create a quiet place to practice

  • Bring a Journal and pen for class notes and to capture notes from your developing meditation practice.

  • An opening and a willingness to show up every day to your practice.

  • A decent wifi connection

  • To Sign up!!


25% OFF for Students & Public Servants:
First Responders, Veterans, Active Military, & Teachers
for this discount
Click HERE to Send EMAIL

100% Satisfaction guaranteed
If you are not happy with the results of
this Course we will refund your money.
No questions asked.

Do you have a question?
Send it to us